Search Results: "alessio"

27 November 2009

Stefano Zacchiroli: RC bugs of the week - week 12

RCBW - week #12 Here is this week squashes, by yours truly: The funniest part of this RCBW issue is probably that Luk has started handing over RC bugs to me: from time to time I just get a /query from him with bug numbers :-) In fact, this is more useful than one can imagine, because a considerable amount of time in periodic RC squashing is taken by triaging the RC bug list to choose your targets. Of course there is no guarantee that I'll be willing/able to fix handed-over bugs but, as a RM, Luk has evidently well-trained feelings about how hard would be to fix a given bug. All in all, for this week it worked well: 4 of the above 7 came from SchindlerLuk's list. ... and of course, let's welcome Simon on board! He is definitely doing a better job at spotting packages that should be removed from the archive rather than resurrected (potential negative effect that a NMU can indeed have on a package, de facto "saving" it from testing/release exclusion). In fact, the dilemma of "NMU vs Request Removal" raises various tricky questions. For instance, while we currently have pretty clear guidelines on how and, more importantly, when doing NMUs, we are more stringent on "Non-Maintainer Removals". Quoting from the Package Removal Requests wiki page:
    In all cases, if there is a maintainer and it's not you, mention the
    maintainer's opinion or, if you don't know it, mention how and when you
    tried to contact him.

It is of course reasonable to be more stringent on a measure that is way more invasive than a "simple" NMU. But if we start to rely on NMU-time as an important trigger for removal requests, then we could probably use a more aggressive and more distributed process for removals.

31 October 2009

DebConf team: DebConf10 dates and venue announced (Posted by Jimmy Kaplowitz)

The DebConf10 team just sent out a press release announcing the dates and venue for DebConf10 in New York City. Most of the readers of this blog already saw it through some other list, so I ll just put the dates here and provide the full text plus other relevant info via links. We hope to see many of you there!

21 June 2007

Gustavo Franco:

I've a Toy Story to tell you today and to make a long story a short one: debian-br is proud to announce the birth of a new baby during debconf 7, smile and say hello world to:

If you don't want to figure out by yourself which one of the hundreds images (ISOs) available is the best for you to install Debian GNU/Linux. We do our best with to figure out that automagically. You just need to use one of these javascript enabled browsers - yeah, nothing is perfect.

What it does?


Download Debian:
Download Debian using Bittorrent:

Special thanks to faw and valessio.

9 May 2007

Gustavo Franco: Debian Desktop Artwork reloaded

The Debian Desktop team is pleased to announce DebianArt ( DebianArt is a place for high quality artwork and themes for the Debian Desktop. The idea is use the website for contests, creating an archive of user contributed artwork that can be freely used and included in upcoming Debian releases.

Thanks to Valessio Soares de Brito and Andre Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira (si0ux) - (debian-moreblue author, the default desktop theme for Etch) the DebianArt admins.

Please register, post your free wallpapers, splash screens, sounds, screenshots, and stay tuned for artwork contests!

27 April 2007

DebConf team: DebConf7 logo (Posted by Moray Allan)

DebConf7 has a new logo: Thanks to Valessio Brito for coming up with it!

16 January 2007

Amaya Rodrigo: Badajoz, Brussels, Hamburg, A Coru a, Edinburgh!

I will take part in a round table on Women and Technology at the Free Software World Conference 3.0, on the 9th of February, at Badajoz. If you intend to attend, register now!

FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting

I will then attend FOSDEM at the end of February and will then take a week off in the biggest port in northern Germany, I think that s Hamburg, to get away from the stress of Madrid and to hopefully get a taste of a decent winter Schei wetter.

In April, I will attend DudesConf (formerly known as Debconf-es) in A Coru a.

And in June... Debconf7 in Edinburgh! That s the most important event in the whole year for me. I will get there on the 8th of June and leave on the 24th.

I expect some resistance at work, yes, this job I am both so paranoid about loosing and at the same time not worried about anymore, but it would not be the first time I am fired because of attending a Free Software event that meant a lot to me, Debconf4 in Porto Alegre, to be more specific, and I am not scared. I will survive. I have lost jobs before, and I have had much better and much worse jobs. A job is a job is a job is a job.

At this moment of my life, mentally troubled and physically ill, I am still painfully aware of my priorities, specially (the small amount of) stuff that I am doing to at least try to change a world that disgusts me in so many ways. Happily trying to change this world, for the ones to come, including the kids of the people that have fired me (or will ever fire me) because of it.

And, for a change, I feel my family backing me up, fully supporting me in my quijotada, which makes me the strongest and most determined person you have ever met.
Be very, very afraid ;)

16 November 2006

Amaya Rodrigo: We are Debian!

Valessio strikes back!

I have a new background!

